Are you ready to hear stories of how the power of generosity can transform lives? Generosity can bring positive change to both givers and recipients, fostering a deep sense of connection and community. From small acts of sharing to selfless acts of kindness, service, and volunteering, generosity takes many forms. In this article, we will explore the various acts of generosity and how they can transform lives and communities. Get ready to be inspired and discover the true impact of generosity!



Small Acts of Sharing Using God-given Time, Talents, and Treasure



Remembering my beloved and generous Nanay, who is no longer with us, with my siblings. I miss them all so much, but I feel blessed and always grateful to God for the time we had together. #missingthem #blessed #gratefultoGod



Growing up, my Nanay and siblings taught me the value and impact of generosity through their actions. Despite having just enough to get by, or most of the time lacking, they always found ways to share their blessings with others. They would give viands and food to our neighbors, generous in-kind words, lend money to those in need, and even offer shelter to people bringing their loved ones to the nearby PGH hospital or to those who wanted to study in Manila. They were always willing to share the fruits from our trees, such as java plum (duhat), kamyas, mangoes, and soursop (guyabano), with our neighbors. Witnessing their acts of kindness and generosity inspired me to follow in their footsteps.



My SCA Family and Friends. My early foundation in generosity! #thankyouLord



During my time in college, I had the honor of serving as one of the Board of Directors for PLM-Student Catholic Action. This experience taught me the true value of generosity and Christian servant-leadership, and how it can make a significant impact on people’s lives. Through this experience, I learned that regardless of our background, anyone can practice generosity and share their God-given time and talents with others.




Inspirational quote from St. John Paul II about generosity. #sohumbling



My formator’s guidance helped me understand that generosity is not just about material things, but also about giving from the heart. This principle is beautifully expressed by Saint Pope John Paul II, who reminds us that every person, regardless of their circumstances, has something to offer. As we are taught in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, giving with a cheerful spirit is pleasing to God, and He rewards us with abundance, allowing us to continue doing good works and helping those in need.




One of my favorite Bible verses about generosity is 2 Corinthians 9:6-8.



My involvement with the PLM-SCA shaped me into the person I am today, and I am thankful for the positive impact that generosity has on the lives of others. Inspired by my experiences, I am passionate about offering free counseling to those who need it and carrying out a pay-it-forward mission. I believe that small acts of kindness and generosity can have a meaningful impact on the lives of others. I am dedicated to serving others in whatever capacity I can, and I hope that my story inspires readers to practice kindness and generosity in their daily lives.



Real Life Stories: The Practice of Generosity



I have observed, interviewed, and surveyed a random group of people whom I find inspiring and generous in sharing their time, talent, and treasure. Through their generosity, they have allowed me to share their real-life experiences, with the hope of blessing and inspiring readers who are searching for their purpose and meaningful life.



Inspirational Story #1: Small Acts of Sharing Using God’s Provisions and Resources



We had a family lunch with Dorothy and her generous family. Her daughter and son are our daughter’s closest friends. We are grateful for this answered prayer. #withagratefulheart #ouransweredprayer



I have a dear friend from Myanmar who lives here in Singapore with her family. She is a devoted Buddhist and a loving mother of two. Her gentle and caring nature has touched my heart deeply. The first time we had the chance to dine out together with our families, I was surprised and deeply moved when she and her husband insisted on treating us all to a delicious meal at a Japanese restaurant. Despite living in an expensive city, they generously shared their resources with us, even though we were new friends.


In addition to her generosity, Dorothy also embodies the Buddhist tradition of dana, which means giving freely without expecting anything in return. She shares food with us and with our children, and she reciprocates my care and loves for her children by doing the same for mine. She trusts me to watch her son while she picks up her older daughter from school, and I am always touched by her kindness and faith in me.



The happy smile of my generous friend Dorothy is so infectious! #generosityofsmile



All of these acts of kindness and generosity reminded me of the value of giving and sharing, which is at the heart of Buddhist teachings. In the words of the Samyutta Nikaya, “Some provide from the little they have, Others who are affluent don’t like to give. An offering is given from what little one has Is worth a thousand times its value.” My friend’s actions also bring to mind the story of the monks’ meal, as illustrated by this quote from the Itivuttaka: “If beings knew, as I know, the results of giving and sharing, they would not eat without having given, nor would the stain of selfishness overcome their minds. Even if it were their last bite, their last mouthful, they would not eat without having shared, if there were someone to receive their gift.”


I have personally experienced the power of giving and sharing in my own life, such as during a Leadership Training of PLM-SCA when we practiced the monks’ meal before a discernment period. This exercise taught us the value of generosity, and how even the smallest act of kindness can have a profound impact on others.


Truly, my dear friend from Myanmar has inspired me to live a life of compassion, kindness, and generosity. She reminds me that no matter how much or how little we have, we can always give and share with others and that this act of giving is worth more than any material possession.


How Acts of Kindness, Volunteering, and Service Can Change Lives



  1. Random Acts of Kindness



Random acts of kindness are small gestures that can have a big impact. They can include things like paying for someone’s coffee, leaving a note of encouragement, or offering to help with a task. These acts of kindness can benefit both the giver and the receiver by fostering positive feelings and creating a sense of connection.


To incorporate random acts of kindness into your daily life, try setting a goal to do one act of kindness each day. It can be as simple as smiling at a stranger or holding the door open for someone. These small acts can have a ripple effect and inspire others to pay it forward.



Inspirational Story #2: How Acts of Kindness, Volunteering, and Service Can Change Lives




Sis Lei and her generous husband. Her life partners! #blessedcouple



Growing up, Sis Lei was taught to do random acts of kindness. From helping teachers carry their things to assisting seniors and persons with disabilities to cross the street, to giving food to beggars, she was accustomed to doing simple things that would make a difference in other people’s lives. Her family also supported an orphanage in their area, taking care of abandoned or neglected children. They donated money or goods whenever there was a need, and during Christmas time, they would give out loot bags to street children. Sis Lei’s husband would invite his co-workers’ families to their Christmas parties and summer outings, where they would also give out goods to the children.


Sis Lei prefers to remain anonymous when giving, and her family’s generosity stems from a desire to give back and make a difference in the lives of others. For her, generosity is not just about giving money but also sharing talents, counsel, and time. She believes that if she can help in any way, she will try to be of assistance.




Sis Lei and her beautiful family. This family radiates the light of generosity. #blessedandhappysouls



Despite financial constraints, Sis Lei believes that there are always other ways to give. She learned this from her parents, who would always find a way to help those in need. Her mother supported several relatives in their education until they graduated, and Sis Lei saw that helping does not always mean giving money. A heartfelt thank you is enough.


Sis Lei finds inspiration in Matthew 6:1 and 6:3, where it is taught that righteousness should not be practiced in front of others, and giving should be done discreetly. She also takes to heart 2 Corinthians 9:7, which says that giving should come from the heart and not out of obligation.


Sis Lei’s story is a reminder that kindness can make a significant impact on other people’s lives, and generosity can come in various forms. Whether it is in giving money or time, helping someone in need is a noble act that can inspire others to do the same.




      2. Volunteering and Donating



Volunteering and donating are more substantial ways to give back to the community. By volunteering your time or donating money to a cause, you can make a tangible difference in the lives of others. These acts of generosity can also benefit you by fostering a sense of purpose and connection to your community.


To find volunteering and donation opportunities in your area, start by researching local organizations and causes that align with your values. You can also check with your employer or community center to see if they have any volunteer programs or donation drives.



Inspirational Story #3: How Acts of Kindness and Volunteering, and Service Can Change Lives



Our generous Mommy MG and her family. Happy together!



Mommy MG’s story is one of touching kindness, inspiring generosity, and spiritual growth. She has a big heart for mothers with small children and offers any possible help she can give to ease their burden. Whether it’s taking care of their child for a while so they can cook or take a bath, or running errands for them when she goes out, Mommy MG is always ready to lend a hand.


For volunteering and donating, Mommy MG and her family do a closet clean up every year-end and give used but not abused clothes to people in the province. She involves her children in this activity because she wants them to grow up learning the value of giving back.


As a mother, Mommy MG also serves her children by teaching them academic and valuable lessons. She also sends and picks them up from school four times a day.


Generosity, for Mommy MG, is being able to give what she is capable of giving. Whenever her family has excess food, they give a portion of it to their neighbors. However, she also faces challenges, such as the feeling that someone might not like what she offers, or the thought that a small amount of money might not be enough.



Mommy MG and her cute children. The love of her life, her inspiration.



Mommy MG’s inspiration is her children because she wants them to grow up being generous to other people. She grew up in a poor family where they could not give anything to anyone, so now that she can give, she wants to teach her children the value of generosity. She believes that it is better to give than to receive, as stated in Acts 20:35.


Her mentor in generosity is Mother Ant, whom she considers one of the most generous people she knows. Mommy MG admits that she did not grow up being generous, but as time went by and she learned from other people, she realized the importance of being generous. She wants to practice what she preaches and hopes that her children will learn from her example.



The happy family! #happytogether



Mommy MG’s story is a testament to the power of kindness, generosity, and spirituality. As a Catholic, she embodies the values of compassion, love, and service to others. Her story is sure to touch the hearts of readers and inspire them to make a difference in the lives of others.



2.1 Give Blood: The Impact of Mai’s Generosity in Donation and Volunteering



Sis Mai’s heroic deeds are so admirable! She donated her blood at two hospitals. I salute her! #ourmodernhero



There is always a need from foundations and hospitals for more blood, especially if you have a rare blood type. Find a local blood drive and donate blood. It can save someone’s life. I admire my youngest sister Mai because she always does this as one of her volunteer acts. Although she may lack money to help, she has a big heart and is always willing to help save people’s lives.



     3. Acts of Service



Acts of service involve doing something for someone else without expecting anything in return. This can include things like mowing a neighbor’s lawn, cooking a meal for someone in need, or offering a ride to someone who doesn’t have transportation. Acts of service can create a sense of connection and belonging and can benefit both the giver and the receiver. To incorporate acts of service into your daily life, start by looking for opportunities to help those around you. It can be as simple as offering to carry groceries for an elderly neighbor or picking up trash in your local park. These small acts of service can have a big impact on your community.



3.1 Acts of Service: Offer to Carpool or Drive Friends and Family



Using our resources to serve God through CFC-Kids for Christ’s activities way back in 2016-2017. #onlybyGodsgrace #Gprovisions



Generosity isn’t just about giving your time and money, but also about saving other people’s time and money. For example, if you share a common commute route with colleagues, offer to carpool with them. In the CFC community, my husband and I have learned basic teachings from the leaders and members which inspired our first pay-it-forward project as a couple. We are happy to serve the beautiful Brothers, Sisters, Youth, and Kids for Christ.



OTHER FORMS AND IMPACT OF GENEROSITY: Giving Time, Offering Your Experience or Knowledge, and Mentoring



Generosity comes in many different forms, and it is not always about giving money to those in need. Sometimes it’s simply listening to a friend who needs to vent or being there for someone who needs us. One form of generosity that I have always admired is giving our time. In our busy lives, it can be easy to forget the importance of simply being present for someone who needs us. I have made a conscious effort to practice this form of generosity by making time for friends and family members who need someone to talk to, or by volunteering at a local charity.



MOTHER ANT: The Impact of Her Generosity



My mentor in writing is so generous and I am always grateful for her guidance. I feel blessed to be a part of her writing community. #blessedme #blessedwritingcommunity


I have known another mentor who showed immense generosity without even realizing the impact she made on those around her. Like Mommy MG, I am blessed to be mentored by Mother Ant in her writing community. I have witnessed firsthand how she offered her experience and knowledge to a charity in her Freelance Writing as a Side Gig and 30-Day Just Write Challenge. She gave opportunities to raffle winners and provided free level-up masterclasses to the winners of her challenges.


I once won a 50 percent discount on my enrollment in the Writer’s Nook PH, which I now belong to. Her mission is to guide and mentor aspiring writers, and she encourages everyone in the community to give more than they receive. In her family, she is also generous with her time and resources, listening and helping her family, especially her mom, siblings, and nieces, solve their problems. She models acts of kindness outside, in front of her children, and this has had a big impact on her family.


My generous writing besties and I with Mother Ant, our mentor in TWN.. #fullofgratitude



By practicing generosity in all its forms, we can create a ripple effect that spreads kindness, love, and compassion to those around us. Let us strive to be like Mother Ant and inspire others to be generous in their own unique way.




Scientists Discover Neural Link Between Generosity and Happiness

By Anna Williams



A new study published in Nature Communications found that people who committed to practicing generosity reported greater increases in happiness. The study, led by researchers at the University of Zurich, involved giving 50 participants money and randomly assigning them to either spend it on themselves or others. Those who committed to being more generous with their money made more generous choices on an unrelated decision-making task and reported greater levels of happiness. The researchers also found that generosity was associated with increased activity in the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) of the brain, which is associated with empathy and social cognition, and enhanced connectivity between the TPJ and the ventral striatum, a part of the brain related to reward and happiness.



Generosity from a Psychological Perspective



This article discusses the benefits of practicing generosity, citing recent psychological studies. Humanist-existentialist authors such as Erich Fromm and Victor Frankl have emphasized the importance of ethical values and love for psychological well-being. Generosity and gratitude are important concepts that denote personal excellence, and they complement each other in the act of giving without expecting anything in return. According to Maslow, there is a relationship between generous behavior and psychological health, as generous behavior comes from abundance and inner wealth while selfish behavior is associated with inner poverty.






In conclusion, there are various forms of generosity, and each one can have a profound impact on the lives of those around us. By reflecting on these forms of generosity, we can be inspired to be more generous in our daily lives. Generosity is a powerful force that can transform lives and communities. It can be shown through random acts of kindness, volunteering, or acts of service. We can create a more connected and compassionate world by practicing generosity in our daily lives. Therefore, I encourage all readers to embrace the power of generosity and kindness by paying it forward. Let’s challenge ourselves to pass on kindness and generosity to others, creating a ripple effect that spreads far and wide. Remember that even a small act of kindness can make a big impact. Let’s make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.



About the Author: 


Miles Landicho is a multi-preneur mom, wife, and soul traveler who loves to reflect and write about anything related to life. She is also a seasoned company & ministry counselor and a passionate HR professional.


Her advocacies focus on the meaningful journey of families beyond their comfort zones, nature stewardship, and the importance of mental health in our lives.


For more information, you may check the ‘About’ page of my website: About – MILES Diaries.


To learn about the services that I offer, please visit the ‘One-on-One Counseling’ page of my website: One-on-One Counseling – MILES Diaries.


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  1. Minsan hindi lang pera ang kailangan i-share para maging generous ang isang tao pwede mo i share ang 3T TIME, TALENT and TREASURE.

    At kapag nag bahagi ka ng anumang meron ka dapat hindi ka naghihintay ng kahit anung kapalit kasi si Lord God na ang bahalang mag bigay ng reward sayo.

    Sabi nga ng isang professor sa De la Salle University Dr. Baring ” kung nag iinvest ka ng pera dito sa mundo para maging maganda ang iyong future dapat mas mag invest ka ng mga mabubuting bagay sa inyong kapwa para pag namatay ka may investment ka sa langit na mawiwidraw kay Lord”

    Kaya habang kaya pa natin mag bigay sa ating kapwa kahit simpleng bagay man ito gawin na natin dahil life is too short, make it fruitful and meaning at the eyes of our loving God at syempre dapat masaya din tayo… Be happy and always being positive.

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